About Me

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Quezon City, Philippines
Born: March 23 Zodiac Sign: Aries Chinese Sign: Dragon Kinder: Proj 3, Kindergarten School School: Proj 3., Elem. School College: Feati University P.S.B.A. Movie Apperance: 150 Tv Appearances: 550 Contestant: Lunch Date; Decoadin Eat Bulaga: Music Maestro (11x Champion)

Sunday, December 20, 2015

abogado (n), (v)

abogado (noun)

abogasya (n)

mag-abogado (verb)
nag-abogado (verb)
nag-aabogado (verb)
mag-aabogado (verb)

paabugaduhin (verb)
pinaabugado (verb)
pinaaabogado, pinapaabogado (verb)
paaabugaduhin, papaabugaduhin (verb)

paaabogaduhin (verb)
pag-abogado (verb)
pag-aabogado (verb)

Sunday, December 13, 2015

ensalada (n) - a vinegared vegetables

 in Spanish salad, but in the Philippine context can also often refer to vinegared vegetables used as a relish which pretty much makes it similar or the same as atsara but the term is more likely to be applied to eggplants and cucumbers as in ensaladang talong and ensaladang pipino   

aligi (noun) - a crab paste or crab roe

Image result for aligue

aligi (noun) - 

Crab paste / Crab fat / Crab roe 

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burong mangga (noung) - a pickled, salted or fermented unripe fruit

burong mangga (noun)

-  again pickled, salted or fermented but applying especially to 

salted green unripe mangoes (burong mangga); also refers to a 

Pampangan preparation that has fish or shrimps mixed with rice 

and salt left to ferment and then days later sautéed with tomatoes, 

onions, and garlic   

Kalamansi (noun) - a Philippine lime

Image result for calamansi

Kalamansi (noun) 

- a Philippine lime

bagoong padas (noun) - a salted ziganids

Image result for bagoong padas

Salted Ziganids (bagoong padas) – usually small jarred fish sold still relatively whole and not ground up; probably refers to rabbitfish (family Siganidae) 

Image result for bagoong padas

bagoong terong (noun) - a salted Bonnetmouths

Image result for bagoong terong

bagoong terong (noun) - 

a salted Bonnetmouths (bagoong terong)

bagoong monamon (noun) - a salted Anchovies

Image result for bagoong monamon

ginamos (noun) a Mackerel or Anchovy sauce

ginamos (noun)

- a Mackerel / Anchovy sauce 

(bagoong balayan, named after the town of Balayan, Batangas)